936 Sundays

Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me. - Mark 9.37

936 Sundays is a collection of reflections, thoughts, and stories of great childhood experiences. 936 Sundays is NOT a parenting handbook, a child development guide,  nor a political forum. 936 Sundays is a place where people can recount positive experiences they had growing up or as an adult who is involved in a young persons life. Many of the stories and themes involve family activities but adults  outside of a child's family can be a huge positive influence and those activities are important to highlight as well. 936 Sundays is about 18 years. Each day in those years is a precious opportunity to take time to be an active part of a child's life and to appreciate the special moments that occur when one pauses to simply "be there."

Family, Food, Fireworks, Fun

A family reunion is one of the few events where an observant young person can see examples of all ten commandments being broken and upheld all in one day. The seven sacraments and the seven deadly sins are also quite evident. Our family reunion was always held on the 4th of July and that added even more learning opportunities. My grandparents hosted the family reunion for many years at their place in rural Texarkana, Arkansas. This event happened every year when I was a child and was held until at least when I was in my early 20's. My wife did get to attend one of the last ones and that was a learning experience for her - but she married me anyway. Continued

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Honesty and Commitment: A Father's Example

This Father's Day is special because it is my wife's and mine wedding anniversary. Father's Day also fell on our wedding day which made that day even more special. Both my father and father-in-law set great examples of being a husband and a father. On the surface most people would think that my father and my father-in-law had little in common and in actuality that might be true with the exception of at least three things. First, they both loved to fish and there are many great fishing tales to tell. Second, they were both impeccably honest. Third, they were committed and loyal to their families. Continued

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Play Ball! Have Fun!

"Mom, I am glad that dad doesn't know anything about baseball." "Why is that son?" "Because he can't help me." This exchange was part of a conversation that my wife had with our oldest son earlier in the day. Without context I wasn't sure how to react. Baseball is America's past time and I have most of the good and possibly some of the bad traits that come with proudly making the proclamation, "I am an American." I love apple pie but I never was a baseball fan. I enjoyed competing in and watching many types athletic activities throughout my life but baseball was not one of them. I had attended one Major League Baseball game in my life but that was to watch a Beach Boys' concert that followed the game. It was evident that I was not meant to be a baseball dad and my son knew it.  Continued

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Banana Bread

As I opened the door to my dorm room I heard someone say, "Whatever this stuff that your mom sent is great!" It was also gone and it wasn't just "stuff." It was banana bread. Not just any banana bread - it was my mother's banana bread. The banana bread had come in a care-package from my mother and had been delivered to my dorm room while I was in class during the first semester of my freshmen year in college. My "not-yet" life-long friends didn't have to tell me it was good; I knew it was good. All that was left was the plastic wrap with a few crumbs. Continue

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Fishing for Generations

Some of my earliest memories are of fishing. Some of my best memories are of fishing. I hope that I have many future memories of fishing. As I write this first entry it is spring time. School is winding down and summer activities are being planned. Fishing is an activity that is an integral part of almost all our family activities. It is truly an activity that everyone in our family enjoys to some extent (or at least the obsession that some of us have with fishing is understood by other family members).  continued

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