My name is Ben Smith. I am a Christian, husband, father and life-long educator. I started writing this blog to encourage people to take time to appreciate the gift of children and the time spent with them. My wife and I have been blessed with three children. Our daughter is our oldest child and we have one son who is 18 months younger than her and our other son is ten years younger than her. As our children get older, the time spent with them is less but can be just as memorable. Since my older children have graduated high school and and are now attending college, I often reflect on the things that I miss when they were younger. Moreover as an educator, I have always been aware of the influences that can affect a child at different stages of their childhood. These two thoughts led me to focus on the importance of the first 18 years of children's lives.
Sunday is the day that consistently brings our family together. There are about 936 Sundays in 18 years and although it is a cliché - that time period definitely goes quick. Sundays are not always the day when a memorable moment happens with one of our children but it is the day when I try to take time to appreciate those moments. Sunday is also the day that I give thanks for those moments. I believe that part of the blessing of children is the opportunity to understand how God has instructed us to worship him. Seeing things as a child shows how one's relationship with God and Jesus should be.
I believe that one doesn't need to be a parent or be married to make a positive impact in a child's life. All of my children have had significant influences in their lives from peers, teachers, coaches, family and other interested adults. Whether you have a career working with children or you just spend one day helping a child, take time to appreciate that moment.